Monday, October 12, 2009


For my Media prelimiery work i was asked to design a front cover and contents page for a weekly school magazine. First of all i did some planning in which i made a list in my notes of all the titles my front page would include and then i decided on my magazine name and what imagesi would need for my front and contents page. The name of my magazine i named teamwork but spelt diiferetny like team wk to realte to young people as it is a popular way of spelling and writing. I used a variety of colour including pink ,red, black, yellow and green because these are popular eye catching colours and make my coverlines stand out. the images i used where also relevant as they matched the text i.e. healthy eating and i added an image of healthy pasta/noodles. The contents page had a simple layout with the same images used on my front cover. I choose two colours that i used on my front page which were red and black as they go well together are popular and look professional.

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