Thursday, December 3, 2009

Detailed decisions

For task 11 i was asked to make detailed decisions on a number of different things including;

Front cover image.

For my front cover image i decided to take a range of photographs with the same model then decide out of the two which was more suitable. The first image was of a male sitting on an amplifier surrounded by a guitar whilst playing one the other a straight close up shot with the model posing with the guitar. The first image was not effective as it did not meet the codes and conventions of a magazine as he was not looking at the camera. The second image was ideal because it meets the codes and conventions and it is suited to the magazine genre and shows this to the audience as he is playing a guitar it also gives the auidence direct address.

Here are the two different images i taken;

Coverlines for my Front Cover

For my coverlines i used text that was relevant to the genre of music and guitars. I used coverlines that would appeal to me and i also asked other peoples opinions who are into music and guitars if it would appeal to them. In my questionnaire i asked people what free gifts they enjoy from a magazine and the highest result was cds so i included this in my magazine as it s a high selling point and popular. My coverlines also offer variety i.e. interview, free cd,quiz and advice. The coverlines i have choosen are

Top 10 legends of rock

Beginners guide to guitar

How well do you know music

Free CD

Mellow .D. Melting Charts

10 minutes with Chris Martin.

Write the text for my contents page
The text i already wrote in my publication plan. the text contains a number of different articles including news,quizes and competitions etc. I also included features and regulars to make my magazine look professional. Here is a preview screenshot to show you the text for my contents page taken from my publication plan;

List all the images for contents

The images i will use are relevant to my coverlines and other regular articles becuase they all relate to guitar sand music. I have used a variety of different photographs featured mostly on my contents page.
The images include

Picture of a guitar chord
This is relating to my article beginners guide to guitar.

Pictue of an electric guitar
This relate to the article top 10 guitar legends

Picture of guitar chord books
This relates to my article 20% of any guitar chord book included withiin my regulars.

Picture of a male posing with a guitar
This relates to my article Mellow.D. Melting Charts

Decide on the article i am going to write and decide on the images i will use.
The article i have decided to write is a beginners guide to guitar as featured on my front cover. I decided to write this as i have knowlegde on guitar basics and find it interesting and intriging. The article will include lots of information on beginning to play the guitar i.e. How to use a guitar turner and How to hold a plectrum etc. This article is revelant to my magazine and will help beginner guitar players play popular chords and give them advice on guitars.
The images i will use are one main close up shot of the bottom of a guitar with somebody holding a plectrum. This is what i found whilst looking at magazines that the most popular articles contain one main relevant image and this image is relevant and gives the reader an insight to the article just by this one main image.

Here is all my ideas that i collected and wil be using for my music magazine on a screenshot;

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