Monday, January 18, 2010

Work in progress

Whilst creating my Media product i found that i had to make some major changes on all aspects of the work.

I have found that i have had to change lots of different things involving the images i have used, the colours anf the font and text size.
Front Cover
For my front cover image i originally taken a photograph that was of my model sitting on an amplifier playing one guitar whilst sitting next to another. I realised that the image was not suitable as it did not meet the codes and conventions because he was not looking at the camera and giving the audience direct address.

Here is the first photograph i have used;

So when i retook the photograph i ensured that it met the codes and conventions and that my model ws looking at the camera inviting the audience into the magazine.

Here is my final image which i edited in photoshop. I used the lasso tool and the crop tool to create a clear neat image.

I put this image on a number of different backgrounds to make my magazine look more eye catching and effective. Firstly i used a plain white background as it was one of my audiences favourite colours and some magazines sometimes use a plain white background if the main image is busy and distracting.

I found that it was not effective as it made my magazine look very basic and it did not intrigue the audience as it looked too plain.

Secondly i looked at my Questionnaire to see the the different colours that people like, so i tried a palin black background with different shades of colours including grey by using the effects on photoshop including colour overlay.this was not effective either as it made my magazine look dull, uninteresting and it would not stand out against over magazines.

Lastly i looked in photoshop at the other colours available and i tried a number of different colours that my auidence like including red but this looked too much as my coverlines are red. So i found the colour purple was the most effective as it is a bright eye catching colour and it is not too overwhelming over my title,positioning statement and my main image.

The main problem that i had with my front cover was getting the main coverline and the title in the right position and the right size so that it catches my audiences eye as well as the position of my coverlines.

I followed the codes and conventions and placed most of my coverlines to the left hand side.

When i started my coursework i found that i was not using my publication plan proberly as i was used any colours including green and yellow. This made my magazine look very distracting and very childlike so i reviewed my publication plan and started to follow it and found an effective colour scheme of red black and white.

I used alot of tools in phtoshop including the autoshapes tool to create boxes to make certain coverlines stand out i.e. free cd.

Another mistake i made was positing the barcode and issue number and price in the wrong place. firstly i placed them at the top right hand corner underneath my title. I corrected this problem by placing them in themiddle of the right hand side of the magazine.

Contents page

The Contents page was the one that i found most difficult because at first i missed lots of important details including the date and issue number.

The position of my two titles where incorrect and the images where not as effective as they could be so i corrected this and placed by magazine title in the left hand corner at the top of the page next to a small image of my magazine front cover as this tells my audience what magazine the contents page belongs too.

Next to the magazine title i placed my contents title which i created in photoshop using the different shadow tools, fonts and the colour red.

The Images

The images i used are effective but the way they where positioned and their size made them look less effective as they could be as they were all the same size and they did not stand out to my auidence.

I also noticed when i viewed my contents page in full the images were not neat and looked rushed so i edited them in photoshop to create a neat and clear image.

For my final contents page i just made my main two pictures bigger and rotated them to be the two main images that caught the audience eye.

The Text

For the text i just had to create two sub-headings called regulars and features to divide my contents. i placed the text to the left hand side and made my two titles the biggest over the over text and used the colour red to make it stand out more. the two fonts i have used are Arial Black and Arial Narrow.

Double page spread

The double page spread did not really need that much work as it was a straight forward layout with one main image, title, sub title and the text.

I used four columns for my text and wrote it out in Mircosoft word first then pasted it into my columns. the font size i used for my text was 11pt and i used the colour red to highlight certain important things to the reader. With my text i used a black background with red and white font colour as these are my audiences favourite colours and it makes the article look more intriging and the text stands out more as the colour blaxk and white are good colours to mix.

The image i used is a close up of somebody holding a plectrum strumming a guitar. this is good because it invites the reader to the article and it is relevant and gives an insight to the audience straight away. The person holding the plectrum playing connotes to the audience that it is the reader playing and the guitar and plectrum connotes basic guitar playing.

When writing the sub heading i wanted to invlove myself and the reader so i used my name and talked about guitar basics and what my article is going to include.

Here are some screen shots of my media product;

the font

whilst creating my front cover i used a variety of fonts to make my magazine seem effective but firstly i had to make lots of font changes as they where not suitable for the genre. the first font i used was IMPACT which was ok as a font but it was not the most effective the second i used magneto which when i asked for feedback i recieved comments that told me it did not help the magazine as the font was not effective as it was not bold and the magazine needed a good font to catch the audiences eye so i looked at lots of different fonts in adobe photoshop and finally found an effective font called WIDE LATIN then i just used the tools on photshop to add effects and colours.


the changes i made on photoshop where just little things that would lose me marks like i did not have the right size font for my headline and the position was wrong as it was on a slant. so i placed the barcode correctly at the bottom of the magazine along with the date issue no etc and changed the position of the headline so it was horiztontial and a medium size font that did not domiate the front page and take the audiences eyes away from the title and other coverlines.

contents page

the contents page was the one i had to make the most changes to. it needed the most work as i had not included enough text and i had used the wrong sized font on the text.the tiitle was the wrong size anf the font was the same as i had used on my front cover which at the time was magneto. firstly i added to my publication plan to the regulars and features so that i had articles that made a full magazine. i used the colour red and black as it was the colours that was not popular in my questionnaire. i looked at some different magzine contents pages to give me some ideas. i rearranged the position of the title on the content spage and made sure that i used a diiferent font and added the magazine title as i found this in all the magazines to ensure that the reader knows what thay are loooking at. i added to my images as well page numbers to show my main coverlines. i added an extra image of my actual front cover as i found this in all my magazine contents pages and it looks professional.

here is my final contents page and you can see the changes i have made.

the images i used in my contetn spage needed manipulating th emost aswell becaus eit was the page with the most images i had to crop that and cut around some of them because they did not look like a professional image because of things in the background. i choose this images as they are approiate to my genre of magazine and my coverlines.

double page spread

for my double page spread i excluded lots of little details that would cost me lots of marks i.e. no introduction and my name was not mentioned along with no standfirst to tell my audience what the article is about.

the image i used was a good image as it was relevant and positioned correctly along with the title but i lacked detail in the text part of my double page spread as important things did not stand out and it did not look professional or eye catching so when i relooked over different magazines i found bolder fonts and use orf more colour in certain areas to high light certain parts so i applied this to my article along with an introduction and standfirst. here is my final double page spread were you can see the changes i have made. i did not need to change the font but the size i needed to so that my text fit the text boxes and the title was to big so i ahve made it small.

i also had to change the font at least twice because it did not suit the magazine genre and looked odd the first font i used was impact the second was magneto the final font i ahve used is wide latin and itwas edited in photshop hereismy frontcover title;

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